Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stars & Lanterns

Waldorf education is not my thing.  However, the Waldorf style and Waldorf crafts are beautiful to me.  Waldorf paper stars in particular are some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.  I would love to plaster every window and door in my house with them!

Not only are they gorgeous....but they're EASY too.  Even the most complex looking star is just five or more simpler pieces of folded paper.  The overlapping parts look a lot more complicated than they actually are, and a number of interesting effects can be achieved by mixing colors or changing small details.

This star is made of coffee filters painted with watercolours.

Materials can vary.  The ideal being kite paper...which is NOT available locally as far as I, or anyone else I know, can tell.  Origami paper also works well.  I particularly like Fold 'Ems brand that has a variety of paper that is colored on both sides.  Tissue paper can work too as well as dyed coffee filters.  Coffee filters and tissue paper are the cheapest option, though the filters hold of a LOT better than tissue while folding.  Plus the watercolour effect is lovely.

Now down to the actual folding....I started with the basic instructions in The Children's Year (which is a great resource for amazing Waldorfy crafts.  More complex looking, but still very simple stars can be found in Window Stars: Making folded stars from colored papers (which was originally offered in a star making kit from Hearth Song's toy catalog.  Then the REALLY neat ones (like the ones pictured here) came from a book called Magical Window Stars which I will soon be the proud owner of (thank you Stephanie!).

For some starter tutorials on the web, check out the following:
Duo Fiberworks - Window Star Tutorial
Gardenmama - A Tutorial For Waldorf Window Stars
Arwen Art - Five Tissue Paper Stars

 And then there's lanterns...which are a whole other post!  :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Zero to Hippie

First of all, thanks to Eicelynne for the sweet name idea...originally intended for an Etsy, but at the very least I want to use it for my blog.

So, I have gone crazy hippie lately, it seems.  It's odd for me to feel weirder than usual....I didn't think it possible....but then I went on a sewing binge and let my hair dread.  Haha!

I made some diapers for the new baby.  By the way, his name is Oscar or Oz for short.  

These are flannel Darling Diaper Newborn fitteds.  Link takes you to the free PDF pattern.  I need to make like a dozen more.  Also some covers.

I tie-dyed some onesies...a lot more than pictured here....and some toddler tees.

I turned a bunch of old adult clothes into baby clothes of Oz.

And a bunch of rainbow ponies to sell.

Plus a whole ton of skirts and gowns for my daughter who suddenly refuses to wear pants!

I also made some upcycled wool longies and some dread bands....and yes, I'm letting my hair dread naturally.  Thanks to Jenn for pointing me in the direction of this natural dread site.  I have ALWAYS wanted dreadlocks so I'm super excited.  :)